Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Pablo Honey

Released 22nd February 1993
I bought it:  August 2001

Where I was…
This was bought towards the end of my great North American adventure. Just after my GCSEs, me and Dad spent five weeks travelling across the USA & Canada by train. It was an amazing trip that was just a little bit too young to properly appreciate, but that’s another story for another blog. Pablo Honey was purchased in Calgary’s HMV, while I was on a day out with my older cousin and his friends who were all terrifyingly cool.

What I thought then…
Coming at Radiohead in the way I had - basically from Kid A backwards, this could only feel like a very basic record in comparison. More lyrics from these songs went on my History binder.

What I think now…
Creep is still seen as this holy grail that I will never understand. I think it will always be more interesting where they went next rather than where they were here. Ripchord, I Can’t and Prove Yourself could have all been Bends b-sides, that’s all I got.

A gun and a pack of sandwiches...

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