Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Everything All Of The Time - a life through Radiohead

After 10 Years, 10 Albums, I was looking for a new thing to write about. When these articles were forming in my mind a few months ago, Radiohead were starting to yawn and stretch their way out of a hibernation. I have a massive history with this band, so they felt like a good fit. Then they went and released a new album.

Last time, I looked at 10 albums that were shaping my life 10 years ago. This time round it’s the discography of Radiohead, but autobiographical. I love that bit in High Fidelity where Rob goes nuts and re-orders his record collection in the order he bought them. You know what? I could probably do the same thing. But these days the main thing I’m doing with my CD collection is gradually taking it to the charity shop.

So what follows is a look back at Radiohead’s albums in the order I bought them. I’ll try and dig out what I thought about them at the time and, after giving them another spin, what I think now.

I picked an interesting place to start...

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