Wednesday, 4 June 2008

I know your hands will clap

Lykke Li + El Perro Del Mar, Leeds Hi-Fi Club, 03/06/2008

The Hi-Fi club was tingling with anticipation, and tingle it might. Lykke Li has knocked The Blogs for six with her whispered heartaches and lo-fi loneliness. Could she deliver?

Before we could answer that we had a subtle opening set from El Perro Del Mar. A dusty-eyed Hope Sandoval singing into the sunset, she gave us slow burning songs designed for a night of stargazing in the desert.

And then Lykke Li took over the stage and stamped her domination on the evening. I knew this was going to be good, but I was shocked at just how good. Dancing, swaying, stamping, pointing, we belonged to her. Despite a minimal musical accompaniment, the songs were louder and pumped full of confidence compared to the skeletal recorded versions. Little Bit throbbed with a heartbeat of desire, and Breaking It Up was hollered through a megaphone, feedback ringing.

I’m Good, I’m Gone closed the main set and the dancing finally took off, we were clapping at all the right moments and getting rewarded with a knowing grin. She’s amassed a fine collection of pop songs that work their way into your consciousness. And encore came with a slow number followed by what appeared to be a cover of Walk On The Wild Side...until the drums kicked in to make it Can I Kick It. With some old skool hip hop shapes thrown in, she kicked it. She OWNED it.

Lykke is a star. 2008 will be hers, hell give her the next few decades. And make the most of these club shows, she won’t be playing many more tiny venues.

Kebab Watch – no food tonight, a belly full of vodka saw off any hunger.

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